The Buried Treasure Game
The Most Exciting Adventure
of Your Entire Existence…
Anyone Can Win $50,000…
A Legacy set in Gold
“… unlock thy dreams one must look into his own heart and soul for only there lies the greatest fortune… As you search do not wake the dead nor the spirits around them. Take these clues which I have bequeathed to you and go to this glorious place where the light is very bright and the air is very cool. When you have reached the end of your journey stop, and rest, and wonder how your life will change, for it will surely change. When you have seen the sign and know that you are on God’s land, take the golden key, breath deep, knock on the door, and bid it open.”
October 1, 1700
William Kidd
Thank you for participating in The Buried Treasure Game. We received tens of thousands of pieces of mail and tried to keep up with the volume of questions and clues as best as we could. As you may know, there were no winners to the game. When we first decided to publish this book and work with Martin Sloan, we had no idea how big the game would become. We had to designate a full time employee to the game and so there were no profits to the game. At this time we would like to offer you some more information about the game.
There seemed to be five more difficult questions to answer. Of these five, only questions 72 and 100 were used as missing letters in the clues. Here are the question numbers and answers:
68. Nomans Island
72. Gorge
93. Solstice Stones
97. Helium Time Columns
100. Fort Jefferson National Monument
The location of the treasure was:
Ginn Field, Winchester, Massachusetts, intersection of Bacon Street & Mystic Valley Parkway, behind the bridge and on the slop leading towards the Aberjona River.
Martin Sloan is working on a follow up game and hopefully you will enjoy this book too.
Serendipity Press